Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Activation of Campaigns For “Lenten Season Participation in Jesus’ Suffering”

2018-03-13 14:37

During this Lenten season, various campaigns are under way to encourage participation in Jesus’ suffering on the Cross.

The international relief and development agency Global Vision (board director: Rev. Lee Jeong-ik) is leading the campaign “Skip One Meal” to send rice to underdeveloped countries. The rice collected from the participants in Global Vision’s “40-day miracle of saving lives and sharing love” will be delivered to poor families in Nepal.

World Vision (president: Yang Ho-seung), another international relief and development organization, is carrying out a program titled “2018 Passion Week Peace-Sharing Campaign: Sending Flour of Love.” In collaboration with the “2018 Grain of Wheat Miracle Campaign” led by Kukmin Daily and children’s relief organizations in Korea and other countries, this campaign will supply 600 tons of wheat flour to North Korean children following the Lenten season.

The Christian Ethics Movement (board chair: Baek Jong-guk) is waging a “Voluntary Inconvenience Movement Campaign” during March and April that urges people to save water, recognizing it as a gift from God.

Patmos Christian Contents Group (president: Seon Ryang-ok), a Christian cultural ministry organization, is holding a “Media Fasting Movement” that applies to media the practice of fasting to share suffering. Additionally, its “Media Selectivity Campaign” encourages good media choice and usage, and offers free Christian contents lists, campaign videos and other items.

NoriMedia Education Center, Inc. (board chair: Lee Hwa-suk), an organization dedicated to preventing smart-media addiction, is leading a media-fasting campaign with the motto “Turn Off Media, Turn On Life!” For churches wanting to participate, it provides materials such as an information leaflet on media-fasting, a written pledge to do smart-phone cleanup, and a cover to block TV viewing (photo). Board chair Lee Hwa-suk explained, “It’s a movement to protect the next generation from smart-phone addiction.”

Reporter Pyeong Seon Jeon (junbs@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
한끼 금식·미디어 절제… ‘사순절 고난 동참’ 캠페인 활발: 금식한 쌀은 네팔 빈곤 가정에 전달… 물 아껴 쓰자는 ‘자발적 불편’ 운동

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