Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Asia Sunday: “Embracing the Differently Abled, Upholding Their Dignity”

2018-05-21 15:46

The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK; Rev. Lee Hong-Jeong, general secretary) celebrated “2018 Asia Sunday” with a special worship service at Seomoon Church (Rev. Sohn Dal-ik) in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, on May 20.

In 1974, the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), to which NCCK belongs, established Asia Sunday as the Sunday just before or on Pentecost (the 50th day after Easter), and since then has requested its member churches and church councils to observe this day each year with worship services for Asian and world peace, and for church unity. The theme for this year is “Embracing the Differently Abled, Upholding Their Dignity.”

*Photo: Rev. Lee Mun-hui (secretary general, Korea Federation of Organizations of the Disabled), who is paralyzed as a result of polio, speaks at the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK)’s 2018 Asia Sunday service, describing difficulties experienced by differently abled persons in the churches.

Reporter DongWoo Kim (love@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photo by intern reporter Shin Hyeon Ga

Full Story in Korean:
“장애인 환대하고, 그들의 존엄 지키자”: NCCK, 아시아주일예배 아시아 평화·교회일치 장애인 사역 헌신 위해 기도

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