Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“Respect and coexistence are basic attitudes for global mission”... InterCP Pastors Conference

2015-05-21 17:15

At the third Global Alliance Conference, held on May 20-22 at InterCP’s Global Leadership Center in Sangju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Chairman Kim Myeong-hyeok of Korea Evangelical Fellowship delivered the keynote speech, titled “Global Alliance and Cooperation for World Mission.” He said, quoting Isaiah 19:23∼25, “Mission is only possible when we see the world with God’s eyes and heart… Building alliance and cooperation is not possible if our eyes and hearts hate North Korea, are jealous of Japan, and ignore China and Russia.”

The conference speakers this year include Dr. Kim Sang-bok, President of Torch Trinity Graduate University (speaker in photo), Rev. Joel Hogan (Director of International Ministries, Christian Reformed Church), InterCP Founding Director Rev. Paul Choi, and Horizons International Founding President Georges Houssney.

The hosts said this year’s conference is the largest so far, with 2,000 participating world church leaders, missionaries, pastors and lay believers.

Reporter Kang Ju-hwa (rula@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo courtesy of InterCP

Click here for the original article in Korean

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