Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“Rev. Im Hyun-soo’s recent interview in Pyongyang may have been coerced”

2015-08-04 10:30
Korean domestic and international humanitarian organizations raised questions about the remarks made on July 30 at a press conference in Pyongyang by Rev. Lim Hyun-soo (60) of Light Presbyterian Church (Keunbit Church) in Toronto, Canada. They claimed that Rev. Lim, who is known as the “Godfather of humanitarian support for North Korea,” was forced to admit to the North Korea authorities’ charges against him. Rev. Lim said at the press conference, “Motivated to overthrow the system, I intended to establish a harmful religious state within North Korea.” Rev. Lim has devoted himself to humanitarian support for North Korea over the past 20 years, up to the time when he was detained there in March this year. Some analyzed his comments as containing a bold message.

On August 2, Prof. Ju Do-hong (historical theology) of the Theological Graduate School of Baekseok University said, “I have mixed emotions… In short, this shows the miserable reality of the South-North division. It is just not right to accuse in this way someone who has been helping North Korea with humanitarian intentions.” He added, “This treatment of Rev. Lim may reflect North Korea’s plan to prevent NGOs’ activities in the country…. At this time we need wisdom and strategy.”

At the press conference, the names of churches in Korea and Korean churches in the United States and Brazil, and the names of pastors were listed. A person related to one of the listed churches in Korea said, “It is ridiculous that they are accusing all humanitarian efforts as intending to subvert… The Korean church and overseas Korean compatriots have been holding the aid channel open, while there has been no support from South Korea since the May 24 Measure of 2010.” He also said, “That Rev. Lim mentioned the names of churches and pastors may be seen as a warning sign from North Korea about our support… Nevertheless, humanitarian endeavors should continue.”

Another analysis of the press conference said that Rev. Lim delivered a daring statement by including in it words such as “God,” “Cross,” “church,” and “Bible.”

In a 1-minute-50-second video clip provided by a Canadian media organization, the Christian terms were revealed as: “(I) intentionally drew the Cross, marked church names, and wrote Bible verses on the jute bags of food we donated to Chagang Province and other parts of North Korea, in order to introduce the residents to the fact that it’s not the Labor Party or the Republic that helps them survive, but God who saves them.”

A person related to a Korean church in the U.S. said, “Using words like this may be unprecedented from the North Korean perspective. One should not easily judge Rev. Lim to be a traitor.”

Reporter Sangmok Shin (smshin@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Click here for the original article in Korean
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