Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“We haven’t forgotten Sewol ferry”…Nearly 2 Years Later, Hands Still Reach Out in Solace

2016-03-30 13:28

Just after the Sewol ferry disaster a little less than two years ago, all parts of Korean society were pledging never to let such a thing happen again; but these days it’s hard to find a trace of this resolve. The “2nd Hearing of the Special Investigation Committee on the April 16 Sewol Ferry Disaster” opened on March 28 to determine the causes of the incident, but a mountain of unresolved problems still remains.

Christians accompanying the bereaved families of the Sewol victims are appealing to others to join them, saying, “The dictum “Weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15) means to offer continuous consolation.”

Since January last year, 50 some church members and seminary students from Ansan-Incheon region have taken turns leading worship with the Sewol families each Sunday and Thursday in the Christian worship room set up in front of the Ansan Memorial Altar in Danwon-gu, Ansan. The Sewol Christian Roundtable Association, whose members include the National Council of Churches in Korea, Christian Social Mission Solidarity, and the National Clergy Conference for Justice and Peace, have initiated various 2nd anniversary memorial events.

As one link in the movement to save the Ansan regional economy following the Sewol disaster, members of Yoido Full Gospel Church (Rev. Lee Young-hoon) have carried out a “Hope-Sharing Project” since May 2014, in which they have regularly visited and shopped at Boseong Traditional Market in Danwon-gu, Ansan. More than 8,000 members in total have been to the market during the church’s eight visits, the most recent of which was this March 23 (photo), and they have bought more than 300 million won worth of goods.

Reporter Lee Saya (Isaiah@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photo Courtesy of Yoido Full Gospel Church

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