Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Prayers for 2017 Holy Spirit Rally: “Return to Essence of Gospel for Church Renewal”

2016-06-15 16:27

Protestant leaders preparing for the “2017 Holy Spirit Rally on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation” (president: Rev. So Gang-seok) held a “prayer meeting for Korean church reform” on June 12 at Sae Eden Church in Yongin city, Gyeonggi-do, where they declared that the essence of Korean church revival is fullness in the Holy Spirit. The participants resolved to work for honesty and integrity in the churches, according to the Bible and the spirit of the Reformation. The organizers announced eight tasks for Korean church reform, and a movement to put them into practice.

The eight church reform tasks are in the form of promises:

1. We will return to the essence of the Gospel.

2. We will take the lead in efforts to restore spirituality and ethics among clergy, and to renew the churches.

3. We will overcome individual-churchism and become more united.

4. We will carry out fairer, cleaner church elections.

5. We will resolve churches’ inner problems, not by taking them to the secular courts, but through mediation by organs within the church.

6. We will practice Christian values not just within the church but in all dimensions of life.

7. We will work for Korean society.

8. We will do our utmost to realize reconciliation, peace and unification among our Korean people and in the world.

The next prayer meeting will take place on the 29th at Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul.

Reporter Paek Sang-hyun (100sh@kmib.co.kr), from Yong-in, with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
“다시 복음의 본질로 돌아가 교회갱신 앞장”… ‘2017종교개혁500주년성령대회’

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