Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“Disability is just an inconvenience… I overcame it by relying on the Lord”

2018-03-23 13:29

There was a young man whose left leg was paralyzed by polio at age 3. He memorized English words diligently every day, telling himself, “If I succeed, I will help improve things so no one has troubles due to being disabled.” He immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and became a successful Korean. But reality was not easy to deal with. Difficulties arose. By faith, he was able to sustain his dream by relying firmly on the Lord.

This is the story of Pak Dongwoo (66, Joseph Pak, photo), a former member (2009~2013) of the policy committee of the U.S. White House National Council on Disability. At an interview on March 16 in a hotel coffee shop in Seocho-gu, Seoul, he said, “Disability is just a matter of inconvenience. I overcame my disability by trusting in the Lord with a positive attitude.”

Having lived in Korea till age 18 and then immigrated to Los Angeles, U.S.A., he said he knows how life is for disabled persons in both countries. In Korea he often heard the term “byeongshin” (cripple). When his classmates went to physical education class, he was left alone to watch the classroom. He could not swim till he became a high school student in the U.S., where he practiced diligently and got an “A” in swimming. He played tennis and golf and ran in marathons. In university he was a ping-pong star. One fellow ping-pong star, Glenn Cowan, became famous through U.S. ping-pong diplomacy.

Pak’s physical difficulties led to his concern for the public good. He continuously involved himself in volunteer work for alienated groups. In 1985 he instituted a lawsuit demanding 50 million dollars from Pacific Bell, for its levying of excessive charges on Koreans who did not know English. This action was big news, as his opponent was the famous telecommunications company AT&T, where Pak himself worked.

During Barak Obama’s term as U.S. president, he appointed Pak to membership on the policy committee of the White House Council on Disability. A role held previously by Dr. Kang Young Woo, who passed away in 2012, this is an assistant minister-level position, and the highest U.S. government post to be held by a Korean-born person so far.

Pak said that compared with advanced countries, Korean life poses many limitations for disabled persons. Asked about these, he said, “Let me give an example from the recent Pyeongchang Paralympics. The announcer said, ‘The President is entering. Everyone please stand and give him a big ovation.’ It was absurd. I cannot use my arms and therefore could not clap; and people in wheelchairs could not stand.”

“Just as in national athletic competitions, please help overseas Koreans (disabled persons) participate in national disabled persons’ athletic events,” he urged. In other words, overseas Koreans with disabilities presently cannot participate in the biggest sports festivals held in their mother country.

Pak also expressed his opinion that Korea, like the U.S., should create a National Council on Disability directly under the President. In that way, the disabled persons section of each government agency will be unified through this “control tower.” He confessed that his faith has allowed him to resist many temptations and to transcend his disability. The Bible verse he likes best is “God will not let you be tested beyond your strength” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

In May 2016, Pak Dongwoo received the greatest number of votes among those selected for the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards. Presently he is a candidate for membership on the education committee of the State of California.

“I believe that the value of a person’s life is determined according to his or her caring, sharing and helping others.” Pak concluded the interview with these words, just before departing for Incheon Airport.

Reporter Yeong Dae Yoo (ydyoo@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photo by intern reporter Shin Hyeon Ga

Original Article in Korean:
[미션&피플] 박동우 전 美 국가장애인委 정책위원: “장애는 불편일 뿐… 주님 의지해 극복했다”

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