Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Chongshin U Investigation Extended Till Tomorrow... Campus Closed Till 30th

2018-03-27 14:27

The Education Ministry has decided to extend its fact-finding investigation into the complicated situation at Chongshin University (president: Kim Yeong-wu) until March 28. “More time is needed to settle the civil lawsuit and to determine factual relationships,” the Ministry’s investigative team said on the 26th, explaining the background of the decision. The team is expected to focus on procedural defects related to figures on the school foundation board, and on responsibility for the mobilization of outside forces (recently deployed against protesting students).

At the same time, Chongshin University announced a temporary closure until March 30. This is the second such occasion, following a five-day campus shutdown from the 19th. A university source said, “Most of the scheduled courses take place in the all-purpose building and the new building…If the students end their occupation of those two buildings, we will immediately cancel the closure and regular classes can be held.”

The Chongshin University Student Association said in response, “The school is ignoring the real essence of the problem, while using number of class days, administrative processes, etc., to threaten and pacify the students…We will continue our sit-in until President Kim Yeong-wu resigns and the illegally revised school statutes are restored.”

At 2 p.m. on this day, the Pan-denominational Emergency Countermeasures Committee gathered at Eden Hill in front of the all-purpose building for a “day of action” (photo), demanding the resignations of President Kim and the members of the school foundation board.

Reporter Choi Ki-young (ky710@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok

Full Story in Korean:
교육부, 총신대 조사 내일까지 연장… 임시휴업 30일까지: 학생들 농성에 총동창회·교수협 운영이사회·총회임원회도 동참… 김 총장·재단이사 퇴진 촉구

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