Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Christian Council “TGC Korea” Inaugurated, Korean Site Formally Opened

2018-11-08 17:07

A Christian organization combining Reformed theology and Gospel-centered faith, “TGC Korea,” has been inaugurated. It serves as the Korean branch of The Gospel Coalition, TGC, established in 2005 by the Revs. D.A. Carson, Rev. Tim Keller and other U.S. evangelical leaders.

Rev. Park Tae-yang, the first secretary general and president, announced on November 7, “The purpose of TGC Korea, which has inherited TGC’s philosophy and confession of faith, is to spread the Reformation faith in Korea and among Korean-language communities abroad… We will offer high-level information through our homepage and hold various kinds of seminars.”

TGC is formally opening its Korean-language site (tgckorea.org) on November 8. It plans to translate and provide reading materials such as lectures, sermons, conversations, essays and commentaries from the U.S. TGC site, as well as videos. The U.S. TGC site, which holds more than 300,000 content-items, records an annual 20 million visitors and 100 million views. In addition to its U.S., Canada and Australia sites, it now offers versions in Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese and Arabic.

TGC Korea also plans to translate into Korean and provide materials from five sites representing U.S. Reformed faith. It has received official permission to use “Desiring God” (John Piper), “Ligonier” (R.C. Sproul), “9Marks” (Mark Dever) and “Unlimited Grace” (Bryan Chapell).

On November 1, TGC Korea held its first board meeting, where it selected Rev. Park Eun-jo of Eunhye Saemmul Church as the first board chairperson, and Rev. Stephen Eom, vice-president of TGC in the U.S. and pastor of Boston Citylife Presbyterian Church, as a special board member.

Reporter Narae Kim (narae@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
기독교 연합기구 ‘코리아 복음연합’ 발족: 美 복음주의 리더들이 세운 ‘복음연합’의 한국지부 성격 한국어 사이트 공식 오픈

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