Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Korean Church on Religion and Politics

2013-11-29 18:29

The Korean Christian church presently is divided between conservative and progressive outlooks, in response to suspected conspiracy by the National Intelligence Service (NIS) during the December 2012 presidential election, and to a recent Catholic mass organized by the Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice (CPAJ), during which President Park was criticized. More voices are calling, however, for the church to avoid being used politically or contributing to confrontation and conflict, and rather to stay balanced and play its role as lifeboat for society.

photo1. Members of “Spring in Our Hometown,” the senior choir of a North Korean defectors’ group, sing while picketing at a rally on November 27.

photo 2. Three Korean church lay organizations hold a joint press conference.

photo 3. Press conference of the Christian United Committee on NIS Election Intervention

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