Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Upcoming CCC Campaigns for Reunification

2013-12-20 14:25

On December 19th, Rev. Park Sung-min (third from right in photo) of Korea Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) introduced the “Reunification Account” at a press conference held at Korea CCC in Buamdong, Seoul. The Reunification Account is for CCC members (both students and alumni) to save money to be used for mission activities after reunification. Korea CCC explained that they will use the 2% interest earned from all the reunification accounts for mission work in support of North Korea.

Early next year, Korea CCC will open a think tank for reunification (named “CCC Institute for Reunification”). The aim of the institute is to strategize on all missions related to reunification, to update “best” reunification scenarios through examining international relations, and to build networks for the sending of mission volunteers when North Korea opens its doors.

From the 25th to the 28th of this month, Korea CCC is carrying out fasting retreats in 10 regions of the country, where they plan to encourage 10,000 CCC members to open reunification accounts. A related CCC staff said, “Through this retreat, based on Biblical historical awareness, we will gather prayers for peaceful reunification and revival of South and North Korea.”

Reporter Choi Seung Wook (applesu@kmib.co.kr), Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Click here for the original article in Korean


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