Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Seoul Theological University Hosts International Symposium “Healing and Fourfold Gospel”

2014-10-15 21:37

On October 13, the Global Institute for Fourfold Gospel Theology (Director: Prof. Choi In-sik) of Seoul Theological University (STU) hosted the second Fourfold Gospel International Symposium at the Centennial Memorial Building. This year’s theme was healing, one element in the Fourfold Gospel (salvation, sanctification, healing, and second coming).

In his presentation “The Mission and Healing of Wesley,” Cho Jong-nam, honorary president of STU, said, “According to Wesley, the reason why traces of the early church do not appear is not because the work of the Holy Spirit has stopped, but because the love among believers has waned... He believed that miracles of the Holy Spirit are manifested where there is true faith.” He added, “I myself, too, came to believe firmly through healing experience… That the early Holiness Church seniors communicated about the Gospel through healing is a great teaching for today’s church.”

In her presentation, titled “Charles Cullis, the Pioneer of North American Healing Movement,” Visiting Prof. Lee Yeon-seung of STU stated, “Theologians have overlooked healing, viewing it as a subject of shamanism or of faith in blessings. But in fact healing is directly related to theological issues such as sin and death, salvation, and suffering. Cullis recognized medical technology while carrying out his healing mission for isolated human beings… His mission was an absolute exercise of devotion, sanctification, and love.”

Prof. Bernie Van De Walle of Ambrose Seminary said in his presentation, “Some criticize the Fourfold Gospel as inappropriate Christology because it limits Jesus to four names: Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. The Fourfold Gospel, however, is not a simple Christology of systematic theology, but a pastoral soteriology about the practice of saving human beings.” He explained, “The healers of the 19th century strongly believed that the mission of Jesus Christ was to save the spirit as well as to provide recovery of the physical body.”

Reporter Pyeong Seon Jeon (junbs@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Click here for the original article in Korean

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