Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

National Breakfast Prayer Meeting for April 19 Revolution

2015-04-20 17:19

The “Preparation Committee for the April 19 Revolution National Breakfast Prayer Meeting” (4·19 Mission Society) held the 33rd National Breakfast Prayer Meeting for the April 19 Revolution on April 17 at Sejong Hall in Sejong Center, Seoul. The number of participants reached 500; in addition to church leaders, there were also a few politicians including National Assembly Members Jeong Mi-gyeong (Saenuri Party) and Lee Yun-seok (New Politics Alliance for Democracy), and Seoul Metropolitan Mayor Park Won-soon.

Bishops Council President Jeon Yong-jae (speaker in photo) of the Korean Methodist Church (KMC) said in his sermon, “The generation that experienced it all, even war, has been content to enjoy a comfortable life, while failing to become a model of life for the next generation. The older generation has not worked to protect human rights and justice, which was the spirit of the April 19 Revolution, and their failure has caused the Sewol and other disasters… We should become Christians who love and protect our nation together with our Lord God.”

Reporters Park Ji Hun & A-young Kim (lucidfall@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by intern reporter Heo Ran

Click here for the original article in Korean

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