Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

PCK Tonghap Moderator Chae Young-nam: “Walking the path of reconciliation”

2015-11-20 16:45

The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Tonghap) is a major Korean denomination with 2.8 million believers who belong to 8,700 churches in 66 presbyteries. This past September, it held its centennial celebration. In a conversation on November 16 with Director Lee Seung-han of Kukmin Daily’s Religion Division, newly elected PCK Tonghap Moderator Chae Young-nam (photo) spoke about plans for his term of office.

Since his inauguration, he has played the role of a “visiting General Assembly,” visiting and talking with the board members of local presbyteries and the representatives of 1,400 overseas missionaries. “During the past two months,” Moderator Chae said, “I have felt that there are many persons putting forth their best efforts despite difficult conditions. I have also confirmed that many people of God have been hidden by God, here and there.”

In particular, with regard to PCK Tonghap’s efforts for church unity and the “seven items” it recently sent to the National Council of Churches (NCC Korea), Chae said, “We expressed what we sincerely want for a better NCCK, and NCCK has accepted our will and is improving its system now. If all goes well, we may rejoin NCCK at its General Assembly to be held on the 23rd.”

Moderator Chae’s first official move after inauguration was to hold a prayer meeting with the bereaved families of the Sewol Ferry disaster. Soon after, PCK requested all member churches to include in their service bulletins the names of the nine persons still missing, and to pray together for them. In addition, PCK recently announced its official opposition to the government’s move to create a national history textbook.

Reporter Lee Yongsang (sotong203@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok

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