Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

NCCK Adopts Korean Peninsula Peace Treaty Proposal

2016-04-25 17:08

The National Council of Churches in Korea held a regular working committee meeting (photo) on April 21 at the Korean Christian Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul, and adopted a proposal for a Korean Peninsula Peace Treaty. The proposal, recommending a declaration of the end of the Korean War and the signing of a peace treaty, goes beyond the existing stance of NCCK, which simply encourages the signing of a peace agreement.

The peace treaty proposal consists of 16 articles in seven chapters. In its preface, it names South Korea, North Korea, China, and the United States as the signatories. The proposal states the purpose of the treaty as the establishment of lasting, sustainable peace in the Korean peninsula, based on the definite ending of the Korean War and on friendly, wholly cooperative relations among the concerned parties.

NCCK plans to discuss this treaty proposal with the US, China, and North Korea, as well as with the world church including the World Council of Churches. Domestically, NCCK plans to carry out a signature drive with briefing sessions to raise public awareness, and to persuade the government of the necessity for the treaty.

Reporter Narae Kim (narae@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo courtesy of NCCK

Click here for full story in Korean

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