Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

May Our Artworks Be an Ark of Spirituality for Wandering Christians

2016-06-23 13:46

The members of Yedam Church (Rev. Go Dae-gyeong) in Guri, Gyeonggi-do, have beautifully recreated the scene of Genesis chapter 6 in wooden sculptures. Titled “The Ark of Noah,” the entire set depicts the long procession of God’s creatures entering the ark ahead of God’s judgement.

This ark is 1/60 the size of the one described in the Bible, with 1,300 animals; and the whole work takes up a 2-meter by 15-meter space within the 99㎡ exhibition room. It took three months for the church members to make the ark, and 10 members participated every day in making all the animals over a period of 10 months. The setting up alone took three hours for Rev. Go and 15 members.

The first exhibition was held last year at Yedam Church. As word spread, the original plan of a one-week exhibition had to be extended to two weeks. Then Pyeonggwang Church (Rev. Cho Seong-uk) in Seoul issued an invitation to hold the exhibition there last April. This coming September, The Ark of Noah will be displayed at Ansan Jeil Church (Rev. Go Hun) in Gyeonggi-do, where the 101st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Tonghap) will be held.

The artwork is now boxed and stored in Yedam Church, because it takes up a large space. Rev. Go dreams of building a Christian art museum to display The Ark of Noah permanently, along with other artworks carved by church members (photos below). Rev. Go said, “We believe our dream for the permanent space will come true, and we are now planning to make other large artworks such as scenes from Exodus and Jesus on the Cross on Mount Golgotha.”

Reporter Pyeong Seon Jeon (junbs@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Full Story in Korean:
방황하는 크리스천들 ‘영성의 방주’ 되었으면: ‘노아의 방주’ 목각 인형으로 재현 예닮교회

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