Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Art and Gospel Meet at “Gallery + Worship Hall”

2016-07-20 15:59

This is “Gallery Church,” where the exhibition “Cross and Person” by artist Hyeryena Jeong is continuing till the 27th of this month. Founded this past January, the church is serving not just as a space to be used on weekends and for extra church events, but as a space where people who love culture and the arts come and go, getting in touch with the Gospel naturally. In this process, it is gradually taking on more of a church character.

On weekdays it holds exhibitions like an ordinary gallery; Tuesday evenings are for prayer gatherings; and on Sundays it holds worship. Some visitors to the gallery’s exhibitions have gotten interested in Christianity and begun participating in worship.

It has also become a gathering place for theater artists, directors and musicians, thanks to its location adjacent to Daehak-no, a theatrical and performance area. Evangelist Park Jin-won, who manages Gallery Church, said, “We started out with the professed identity of an ‘open community church’ communicating the Gospel through culture, and happily, during the first six months, we find an increasing number of persons who concur with this concept.”

Evangelist Park was a well-known artist whose works were sold five times in succession at the Hong Kong auctions of Christie’s, which together with Sotheby’s represents the international art market. But his life reached a turning point in 2010, while he was studying in England. There, observing the continuous collapse of English churches, he became interested in theology. Recently, he started an art class at Gallery Church. Park himself teaches the class, which is open to members of the public.

Reporter Choi Ki-young (ky710@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photos courtesy of Gallery Church

Original Article in Korean:
[톡톡! 우리교회-대학로 인근 성북동 ‘갤러리교회’] ‘갤러리+예배당’ 예술과 복음이 만난다: 평일에는 일반 전시회 열리고, 화요일 기도모임·주일엔 예배

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