Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

CNPU: “Solve North Korean crisis through denuclearization and peace regime”

2016-09-26 17:13

The Christian Network for Peace and Unification (CNPU; standing co-representatives: Revs. Park Jong-wha, Son In-ung, Lee Gyu-hak, Lee Yeong-hun, Hong Jeong-gil) held a discussion meeting on September 23 at the cafe of Hyochang Church in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, focusing on the question “How should the Korean church view North Korea’s 5th nuclear test?” In the discussion it was proposed that “rather than security-based responses such as various kinds of sanctions on the North, or South Korea’s own development of nuclear weapons, we need to take a stance that seeks peace and coexistence.”

“The arguments for stronger sanctions, nuclear armament, preemptive strike, etc., that have come out in the wake of North Korea’s 5th nuclear test, are all part of a scheme to harden and reproduce the structure of division,” said the main presenter, Prof. Kim Jun-hyeong of Handong University (second from right in photo). “Here, U.S. profits and the South Korean conservative forces’ ‘security populism’ interests are co-engaged to benefit from an acceleration of the arms race in the East Asian region.”

He pointed out, “Rather than trying to morally justify the killing of people, Christians must resolutely carry out our moral duty to save people’s lives. The way to seek God’s righteousness is through reconciliation, coexistence and peace…Christian fundamentalism that only calls for judgment against wrongdoings is like the noise of a clanging cymbal, which cannot find God’s love.”

Article and photo by reporter Lee Saya (Isaiah@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Full Story in Korean:
평통기연 “북핵 위기, 비핵화·평화체제로 이끌어야”: ‘한국교회, 북한의 5차 핵실험을 어떻게 볼 것인가’ 좌담회

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