Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

PCK Tonghap Opens 101st General Assembly, Makes History with First Father-Son Moderators

2016-09-28 15:57

For the first time in Korean Presbyterian Church history, a father and his son have both become moderators of the PCK General Assembly. Rev. Lee Sung-hui (Seoul Yeondong Church, photo) was appointed the next moderator at the 101st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK Tonghap), held on September 26 at Ansan Jeil Church in Danwon-gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. The late Rev. Lee Sang-geun, father of new moderator Rev. Lee, was the 59th moderator of PCK Tonghap.

At this Tonghap Assembly, under way till September 29, one of the main discussion topics will be the relative effectiveness of the Hearings Department, in response to recent rumors inside and outside the denomination about various ongoing trials.

Other matters to be discussed include the question of whether or not to reduce the number of students at the denomination’s theological seminaries, and whether to cut the amount of general assembly membership fee paid by member churches. Another hot issue relates to the responsibility of the officers’ meeting of the 100th general assembly for the recent withdrawal of the special pardon of four persons designated as heretics.

In the photo, new board members introduce themselves to the delegates after the elections.

Reporter Jaechan Park (jeep@kmib.co.kr), from Ansan, with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by intern reporter Bo Yeon Kim, from Ansan

Full Story in Korean:
[양대 장로교단 101회 정기총회 개회] 예장통합, 장로교 최초 父子 총회장 탄생: 이성희 목사 총회장 선임 “영성과 교회권위 회복을”

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