Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

PCK Hapdong Opens 101st General Assembly, Rev. Kim Seon-gyu Is New Moderator

2016-09-28 15:58

The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Hapdong; Rev. Park Mu-yong, moderator) opened its 101st general assembly on September 26 at Choonghyun Presbyterian Church (temporary head pastor: Rev. Noh Tae-jin) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Vice-moderator Rev. Kim Seon-gyu (69·Seongnam Sunghyun Church, photo) succeeded Rev. Park Mu-yong to become the new moderator.

Continuing until September 30, PCK Hapdong will be discussing and deciding on various proposals including extension of the retirement age for pastors and elders, revision of election regulations, lowering of the age limit for the moderator, and reestablishment of an official stance on heretical groups.

Reporter Choi Ki-young (ky710@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok

Full Story in Korean:
[양대 장로교단 101회 정기총회 개회] 예장합동, 새 총회장에 김선규 목사 추대: 장로부총회장에 김성태

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