Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Like a picture, in nature…conveniently downtown…resting places for missionaries

2016-10-18 17:40

With a shortage of places for overseas missionaries to stay when they are back home in Korea, now two resting places have opened for them. One is the Pilgrim Cultural Center (389 Gungchon-gil, Geundeok-myeon, Samcheok city, Gangweon-do), constructed by Kunvit Church (Rev. Kim Seong-tae) in Samcheok, and the other is the Mission Center (364 Suweoncheon-no, Paldal-gu, Suweon city, Gyeonggi-do), built by Habshin International Service of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (Tonghap).

Pilgrim Cultural Center (photo above), nestled in picturesque nature, is a space for overseas missionaries, clergy and believers; and HIS’s Mission Center, conveniently located downtown, is a resting place exclusively for missionaries.

Reporter Sangmok Shin (smshin@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photos provided by Samcheok Kunvit Church & HIS

Full Story in Korean:
반갑다! 선교사들 위한 안식관 두 곳: 그림처럼 자연 속에… 편리한 도심에… ‘쉼+영적 충전’

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