Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“Let new faith be imprinted in your heart, in dialogue with the Cross”

2017-03-10 16:02

On March 7, the curtain was raised on the exhibition “Love of the Cross,” being held in the lobby of Jeonbuk CBS in Deokjin-gu, Jeonju city, Jeolla-do. The 750 some works on display were collected over the years by Rev. Jin Yeong-hun (46, Iksan Samil Church, far left in photo). The event will continue till the 26th of this month. Rev. Jin, who ministers in a rural area, first became interested in handmade crosses when he happened to receive one as a gift from an acquaintance.

Each of the differently formed handmade crosses contains a special story. Among them, Rev. Jin said, Rev. Hwa Ryun’s “Sewol Ferry Cross” is most remarkable. Cross artist Rev. Hwa Ryun is the person who made and presented cross necklaces as his gift to more than 300 bereaved family members related to the Sewol Ferry disaster. Another work that captures Rev. Jin’s heart is Rev. Kim Seong-hwan’s work “Cross of Harmony,” a configuration of two persons embracing.

“Hanging in every church is a cross that was formed with true devotion by the hands of its maker, and if church members, looking at that cross, think even once about the suffering endured by Jesus Christ, what amazing grace that will be,” Rev. Jin said. “The cross is a tool of retrospection, helping us remember the Lord. This Lenten season, I want to share Christ’s suffering through the cross.”

On this April 10, the start of Passion Week, Rev. Jin Yeong-hun, an advocate of meditation on the cross, will open a 10-day exhibition of crosses at Iksan Samil Church, continuing his custom of previous years.

Reporter Jang Chang-Il (jangci@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)
Photo provided by Rev. Jin Yeong-hun

Full Story in Korean:
“십자가와 대화하며 새로운 믿음 새겨요”: 사순절 맞아 750여점 전시 진영훈 익산 삼일교회 목사

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