Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Early Presidential Election D-54…Church Circles Raise “Fair Election Campaign” Flag

2017-03-17 17:37

With the confirmation of May 9 as the date of the early presidential election, church circles have initiated broad-scale fair election campaigns. In particular, they plan to keep a sharp lookout for the spreading of “fake news” based on groundless rumors to provoke social chaos and conflict, and to file complaints against such activities.

The “Citizens’ Network for Fair Elections (CNFE),” formed by nine Christian citizens’ organizations including the Christian Ethics Movement and the Forum on Public Politics (Bible Korea), held a press conference on March 15 in Jeongnon Hall at the National Assembly in Yeoeui-do, Seoul, and announced the “Opening of the 2017 Presidential Election Campaign.”

CNFE advisor Yi Man-yeol (photo, fifth from left), president of the National Institute of Korean History, said, “It is a meaningful day, because it happens to be the 57th anniversary of the totally corrupt presidential election of March 15, 1960, carried out by the governing Liberal Party…We request and hope for many people’s interest and participation in this fair election movement ahead of the presidential election.”

CNFE has decided to recruit about 2,000 volunteers from 17 cities and provinces around the country.

The “2017 Christian Justice and Peace Presidential Election Movement,” formed last month, held a press conference the same day at Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, and called upon churches, pastors and church members to take part in the fair election movement.

Article and photo by reporter Jaechan Park (jeep@kmib.co.kr), with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
조기대선 D-54… 교계 ‘공명선거운동’ 깃발 올렸다

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