Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Korean Church Rallies Against Queer Culture Festival

2017-07-17 18:03

On July 15, Korean church groups against the Queer Culture Festival held a mass rally (photo) near the festival venue, Seoul City Hall Plaza, to suggest a correct culture of sexuality. Some 10,000 members participated in the rally, enduring rough weather with occasional hard rain, to campaign against homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

The organizers of the rally held their event in the 230-meter zone between Daehanmun Plaza, in front of the gate to Deoksugung Palace, and the British Embassy. The first part of the rally was in the form of a worship service at which Rev. Choi Nak-jung (Seoul Haeorum Presbyterian Church) preached, “The average lifespan of homosexuals is short because they are exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and syphilis… Going against the providence of nature by encouraging and inciting sexual unions between men or between women, will lead ultimately to God’s judgment. So, let us help those who have fallen into the sexual addiction called ‘homosexuality,’ and save them.”

Marching from Daehanmun via Seoul Police Metropolitan Police Agency to the U.S. Embassy, where a large rainbow banner was hung outside the building, the participants shouted, “Homosexuality is not a God-given human right,” “We are against homosexuality,” “Respect Korean culture!”

Rally participant Lee Jeong-suk (45) said, “It’s not that I don’t like homosexuals. I came out with my husband and two daughters because I believe homosexuals ought to recover.” Rev. Jang Jun-taek of Suwon Myungsung Church said, “At the Queer Festival they talk about human rights. But hiding on the other side of their claim are problems such as venereal disease transmission and destruction of the marriage system. We came out to raise awareness of how serious these problems are.”

Lee Yong-hui (Director, Correct Educators Coalition) commented, “Among the 240 some countries of the world, only 20 have legalized same-sex marriage. Furthermore, it is against the law in 110 countries, and violators get punished. The Korean church should play the role of seawall to break the waves of these wrong cultures called homosexuality and same-sex marriage. ”

The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Hapshin) prepared placards that read, “You do not choose your sexuality. There is either man or woman.” The organizer set up 25 booths around the festival venue.

Special coverage team
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok

Original Article in Korean:
“인권보호 가장한 동성애 조장·확산 안된다”: 한국교회, 동성애자 퀴어축제 반대 1만여명 국민대회

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