Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Yonsei Prof. Chung Meehyun Named One of Ten Key Reformed Theologians

2017-07-19 17:21

Prof. Chung Meehyun (photo) of Yonsei United Graduate School of Theology was one of 10 reformed theologians quoted at the special exhibition “Global Players for God and World,” during the 26th General Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), held in Leipzig, Germany, from June 29 to July 7, and commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

The WCRC General Council also prepared “Global Players for God and World,” of which Prof. Chung was one of the authors. WCRC announced that it had “invited theologians from all around the world to engage with ten major subjects that have been, and still are, of particular importance for churches of the Reformed tradition. Together their responses form a multicolored mosaic of vibrant and challenging impressions from all around the world, encouraging reflection and contemplation.”

On July 16, Prof. Chung shared her personal impression. “I learned last April that I had been selected as one of the ten theologians. It seems the decision was based on the international awards I have received, as well as my activities for overseas church organizations. I feel I’m called to devote myself to passing on the Swiss reformation and its theology more effectively to our theology and church circles.”

The ten theologians include John Calvin, who systematized Presbyterian theology,

16th-century reformist Marie Dentiere (1490/95-1561), Karl Barth, Jan Milic Lochman (Czechoslovakia), Hebe Kohlbrugge (The Netherlands), Ofelia Miriam Ortega (Cuba), Rothney S. Tshaka (South Africa), Philip Vinod Peacock (India), and Lilly Phiri (Zambia). Lochman was Chung’s professor at Basel University, Switzerland, and the two were selected equally.

Chung is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), and currently is a professor (systematic theology) at Yonsei United Graduate School of Theology; she also serves as chaplain for the university. She received the Karl Barth Prize in 2006 and the Marga Buehrig award in 2013.

Three Korean church denominations are members of WCRC: Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Tonghap), Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), and Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK Baekseok).

Reporter Sangmok Shin (smshin@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Original Article in Korean:
연세대 정미현 교수, 세계 10대 개혁 신학자로 선정: 개혁교회 연합기구 ‘WCRC’ 총회서 뽑아

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