Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Lausanne Director Michael Oh: “Agreement of faith and action is the best mission strategy”

2017-09-12 14:34

“If your words do not accord with your life, your mission cannot help but fail even with a good strategy. The most important mission strategy for Christian leaders is to live like Jesus Christ,” said Michael Oh, Global Executive Director and CEO of the Lausanne Movement.

The Korea Lausanne Committee (president: Rev. Lee Jae-hun) invited mission leader Oh to speak at its seminar “Reflection and Prospects: Lausanne Movement and the Role of the Korean Church in Mission” on September 9, at Onnuri Community Church in Seocho-gu, Seoul (photo).

In his presentation “History and Future of Global Lausanne Movement,” Director Oh explained, “The Lausanne Movement carries out world mission connecting Christian networks all over the world, in the midst of the challenges we face due to the diversity and complexity of the age,” and emphasized, “Products of this movement include the 10/40 Window theory, by which we prioritize mission to the poor, unreached 90% of the world population between the latitudes of 10~40 degrees, and the Diaspora Network, linking Christian leaders around the world.”

The core value of the Lausanne Movement is rooted in its Covenant, which can be summarized: “We express penitence both for our neglect and for having sometimes regarded evangelism and social concern as mutually exclusive. We affirm that evangelism and socio-political involvement are both part of our Christian duty.” Since the Covenant was announced at the first Global Congress held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974, its spirit has been followed by the global Lausanne Movement, which is a major pillar of mission strategy in world evangelism circles. The Covenant has also greatly influenced the Korean mission direction since the 1970s.

Missionary Han Jeong-guk, former secretary general of the Korea World Missions Association (KWMA), gave a presentation on “The Lausanne Movement and the Korean Church.” Sharing his analysis, he said, “At the time the Lausanne Covenant was announced in 1974, theologian John Stott, who wrote the draft Covenant, attempted to embrace the strength of both conservative and liberal circles for ‘balanced Christianity.’ This was a refreshing shock for the Korean church, with its black-and-white division into conservatism and liberalism.”

Han’s evaluation is that the Lausanne Movement has influenced the Korean church positively, not falling into the dichotomy of evangelism vs. social involvement. He explained, “The conservative circles emphasized salvation of souls while paying attention to human rights, environment, and labor issues. And the liberal circles understood the church’s function in spiritual salvation. Therefore the two were able to get along.”

In his welcoming address, Korea Lausanne Committee President Rev. Lee Jae-hun said, “The Lausanne Movement needs to restore a humble spirituality first; otherwise it cannot carry out the works of God’s Kingdom. A true church revival movement must start from humility.”

Article and photo by reporter Gu Jachang (critic@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Original Article in Korean:
마이클 오 국제로잔위원회 대표 “신행일치가 최고의 선교전략”: 온누리교회서 선교지도자 초청세미나… ‘로잔 운동의 역사와 전망’ 주제 발표

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