Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Political Parties All Oppose Legalizing of Homosexuality, But Differ on the Details

2018-06-04 15:54
On May 31, with official opening of the campaign season for local elections nationwide, the political parties moved to attract votes by announcing their Christianity-related policies.

The Korean Christianity Public Policy Council (KCPPC, executive director: Rev. So Gang-seok) presented the political parties with its policies for civil-government collaboration in solving the low-birth-rate problem, forming a special committee on modern Christian culture, preventing suicide and addiction, and developing air quality countermeasures. The four major political parties replied that they will work proactively to promote or review these policies.

On issues such as homosexuality, same-sex marriage, anti-social heretical religious groups and abortion, however, the parties showed slight differences in position. (See table.)

The Justice Party refused to respond to this survey. Starting from the 2016 general election, KCPPC has surveyed individual candidates and political parties with regard to Christian issues, during the 18th Presidential election, the 2015 local elections, the 2016 general elections, and the 19th Presidential election last year.

Reporter Paek Sang-hyun (100sh@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok
Table by Young Eun Lee

Original Article in Korean:
정당들 ‘동성애 합법화’ 반대 공감… 방법론선 온도차: 6·13 지방선거운동 돌입… 정당별 ‘기독교 현안’ 입장 발표

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