Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

SFTS President James McDonald: “We should bring Christian faith into the public sphere”

2018-06-08 17:14

“Christianity is the religion of freedom and liberation for the poor and oppressed. Just as in the U.S., Christianity in Korea has grown up together with the economy. When we were poor, the message of freedom gave comfort to many. But now that we’re not as poor, it’s time for a different message.”

In an interview at Hansol Oak Valley in Wonju, Ganwon-do, on June 5, the Rev. Dr. James L. McDonald (photo, 70), president of San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), elaborated on this message, calling upon Christians to cultivate their public character. President McDonald is visiting Korea to attend the 12th annual Theological Symposium organized jointly by Hanshin Church (Rev. Kang Yong-gyu) and SFTS. President McDonald’s lecture on June 7 was titled “The Holy and the Demonic in Public Life: The Perils and Possibilities of Claiming the Authority of Christ in the Public Square.”

Talking with Kukmin Daily, McDonald said, “Like the disciples of Christ in the Gospels, who carried out a public role, we need to take our faith to the public square.” How can we as Christians participate in public life?

McDonald emphasized a life of prayer grounded in the Bible. He counseled that the Word and prayer help us detect unholy spirits and at the same time give us spiritual power. He recommended that Christians publicly introduce moral considerations into political, economic and social issues.

“The purpose of such voices has to be for the common good and the collective welfare of the world. They should encourage political decision-makers to remember those who are living on the margins of society,” he added.

He explained that engagement in public life means drawing attention to various spiritual matters that are at work in our common life. “As Christians, we need to help people ‘discern the signs of the times’ (Matthew 16:3) and articulate their worries, fears and frustrations,” he said.

McDonald particularly warned Christians to be wary of the idolatry called politics. “The Kingdom of God is not about political power,” he said. “Politicians and political parties will use Christians for their own partisan purposes.” He quoted Psalm 146:3. “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help.”

President McDonald has served SFTS in this post since 2011. He holds an M.Div. degree from Union Theological Seminary (NYC) and a Ph.D. in International Relations from American University.

Article and photo by reporter A-young Kim (singforyou@kmib.co.kr), from Wonju, with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Original Article in Korean:
샌프란시스코 신대원 제임스 맥도날드 총장: “기독교 신앙을 공적인 광장으로 가져가야”

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