Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

PCK Hapdong Appoints New Moderator Lee Seung-hui

2018-09-12 11:04

[2018 General Assemblies Open]

The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Hapdong; moderator: Rev. Jeon Gye-heon), opened its 103rd General Assembly at 2 p.m. on September 10, at Promise Christian Center (Banyaweol Church) in Daegu, and appointed Rev. Lee Seung-hui (Daegu Promise Christian Center, left) as its new moderator.

1,447 of the 1,592 delegates representing 155 presbyteries nationwide participated in the assembly. In his sermon at the opening worship service, former Moderator Jeon Gye-heon said, “God has intervened each time our denomination has been in difficulty… Like the theme of our 103rd Assembly, ‘Make a change,’ the Korean church should take the initiative for change, and embrace peace and hope in the world.”

Reporters Choi Ki-young & Hwang Yuntae (ky710@kmib.co.kr), From Daegu, with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
[2018 교단 총회 개막] 예장합동, 이승희 총회장 추대… 부총회장에 김종준 목사: 대구 총회에 총대 1447명 참석… ‘임원 후보 직접선거’ 첫 적용

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