Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

PCK Daeshin Changes Denomination Name to “PCK Baekseok Daeshin”

2018-09-12 11:07

[2018 General Assemblies Open]

The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Daeshin; Rev. Yu Chung-guk, moderator) opened its 41st General Assembly on September 10 at Baekseok University in Cheonan, South Chungcheong-do, and officially changed its name to “PCK Baekseok Daeshin.” The 973 assembly delegates present opted for a spirit of unity and denominational harmony. There was no particular disagreement over the proposed change of name to PCK Baekseok Daeshin, which the delegates approved by unanimous applause.

It was reported that the denomination has over 7,000 churches belonging to 130 presbyteries. This assembly caught people’s attention with its first-time participation by woman assembly delegates as servers of Holy Communion. In 2011, after much travail, the denomination finally passed a bill approving the ordination of women as ministers.

Article and photo by reporter Paek Sang-hyun (100sh@kmib.co.kr), from Cheonan, with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Original Article in Korean:
[2018 교단 총회 개막] 예장백석대신, 교단 명칭 ‘예장백석대신’으로 변경: 교단 화합 차원의 명칭 사용 만장일치 박수로 전격 통과

Related Articles:
1. PCK Daeshin Decides to Continue Using Its Current Name
2. “Merger decision in 2015 between Baekseok and Daeshin is void”

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