Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

“Joy of Sharing” Holds Golden Anniversary Celebration for 11 Couples

2015-05-26 16:28

On May 23, 11 couples residing in Guri celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries together with their neighbors, at Guri Gymnasium in Guri city, Gyeonggi-do. The Guri chapter of “Joy of Sharing,” a Christian relief organization, hosted this Family Month event. Currently eight local churches are members of the Guri chapter, including Bonpureun Church and Bethel Church. The chapter was established in May last year, and has since been active in distributing side dishes, rice, and bread to their marginalized neighbors.

On this day, in addition to the golden anniversary ceremony, Guri “Joy of Sharing” invited 1,000 elderly persons and provided them with various services including acupuncture, haircuts, and hair styling. The chapter also gave out presents, and held a bazaar. Rev. Shin Gyeong-cheol (Guri Daeeun Church), participating as a volunteer, said, “I’m delighted to see the grandpas and grandmas enjoying the day, away from their laborious daily farm work.“

Article and photo by reporter Yeong Dae Yoo (ydyoo@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Click here for the original article in Korean

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