Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Latte Art World Competition Winner Eom Paul: “It is God’s doing”

2016-10-24 17:35

Into a cup filled with expresso, Eom Paul (35·real name: Eom Seong-jin) dexterously poured hot milk. With a sharp-pointed stick, he began drawing a design using milk foam and espresso crema. Peter Pan’s Tinker Bell appeared on the surface. This was the same design he had created to win the Latte Art World Competition in Shanghai last April. On his stick was inscribed “Jesus Christ.” I observed his art when I met with him recently at a cafe in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul. Eom explained, “Right before the competition, I put this inscription on my stick so as not to forget Jesus while I’m doing latte art.” He continued, “People pay little attention to coffee beans, but good-tasting coffee is made with those beans. God uses the lowly ones, so I hope people won’t give up when they face troubles. God will bring us through them. I believe my winning the competition this time was God’s doing.”

Reporter Lee Yongsang (sotong203@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by intern reporter Bo Yeon Kim

Full Story in Korean:
[예수청년] “팅커벨 그림, 하나님 솜씨죠”: 라테아트세계대회 우승 바리스타 엄폴

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