Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Korean Bible Society Raised 2 Billion Won for Bible Donation Project

2014-11-27 17:32

On November 25, the Korean Bible Society (President: Gwon Eui-hyun) held its 122nd term regular board meeting at its headquarters building in Seocho-gu, Seoul. The Society announced that during this past fiscal year (November 2013-October 2014) it raised 2.02 billion won for its Bible donation project. This amount is 0.4 billion won more than was raised in the last fiscal year, and it is the first time the Society raised more than 20 billion won during a single fiscal year for this project.

By denominations, the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Tonghap) made the largest donation, followed by PCK Hapdong and the Holiness Church. During this period, the Society exported a total 6,890,031 copies of the Bible (the number includes New Testaments and individual books) in 235 languages to 119 countries, which was a record high. By continents, Africa received the largest number of Bibles, followed by the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The Society distributed 559,800 copies of the Bible within Korea, 32,989 copies more than during the last fiscal year.

Article and Photo by reporter Pyeong Seon Jeon (junbs@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Click here for the original article in Korean

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