Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

NCCK Conversation Seeks to Listen or Advocates Homosexuality?

2016-04-27 17:50

The plan of the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) to invite Mr. Kim-Cho Gwang-su to a public conversation to be held on April 28, has led to controversy in Korean church circles. Kim-Cho has initiated litigation to legalize same-sex marriage.

Church organizations campaigning against homosexuality have urged that the event be cancelled, and are questioning the identity of NCCK as an ecumenical organization of the Korean church. NCCK, on the other hand, has warned against speculation or exaggerated interpretation, insisting that the purpose of the event is to listen to someone directly related to the social issue of homosexuality, in order to find constructive ways to respond to the issue.

On April 25, Lee Jonah (right, in photo), representative of the Human Rights Forum for Ex-gays, delivers an official letter to an NCCK staff outside the Korean Christian Ecumenical Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul, requesting cancellation of the planned conversation with Kim-Cho Gwang-su.

Reporters Narae Kim (narae@kmib.co.kr) & Paek Sang-hyun (100sh@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)
Photo by senior reporter Kang Min Seok

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