Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

At Historic Reformation Sites, Seeking Future Direction of Korean Church

2016-09-23 17:24

Prior to next year’s quincentennial of the Reformation, events have been held recently in Germany and the Czech Republic to search for ways to reform the Korean church.

On September 13, the “Wittenberg Forum” was opened at Wittenberg University in Germany (photo above). The forum was organized by the 2017 Holy Spirit Rally on the Quincentennial of the Reformation (president: Rev. So Gang-seok) and the World Holy Spirit Central Council (president: Rev. Bae Jin-gi). Approximately 40 persons participated, including well-known Luther scholar Dr. Martin Treu and Rev. So Gang-seok (Sae Eden Church).

The “2016 Europe Holy City Conference” took place from September 13 to 16 at Prague Korean Church (Rev. Park Sang-uk) in Prague, the Czech Republic (photo below). This conference was jointly organized by the World Holy City Movement Headquarters (secretary general: Rev. Kim In-jung) and the Europe Holy City Movement Headquarters (president: Rev. Kim Hyeon-bae). Its 70 some participants, coming from 15 countries, resolved to carry out the Holy City Movement starting with the Korean churches in Europe, and moving on to a spiritual revival throughout Europe.

Reporters Pyeong Seon Jeon & A-young Kim (junbs@kmib.co.kr), with Yeara Ahn-Park (yap@kmib.co.kr)

Full Story in Korean:
종교개혁 현지서 한국교회 길을 묻다: 독일서 ‘비텐베르크 포럼’·체코서 ‘유럽성시화대회’ 개최

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Prayers for 2017 Holy Spirit Rally: “Return to Essence of Gospel for Church Renewal”

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