Mission life: THE KUKMIN DAILY

Sae Eden Church at 30th Anniversary: A Community of Love, Serving People and Society

2018-11-12 16:07

Sae Eden Church (Rev. So Gang-seok) in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, held a worship service (photo) on November 11 in celebration of its 30th anniversary, and declared its resolve to continuously extend its history of service and sharing.

In his sermon, Moderator Lee Seung-hui of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK Hapdong) said, “The reality that we see today is the beclouding of society by collapsed ethics and morality, the threatened breakdown of God’s law, and even the disintegrating of the church.” He appealed, “In this chaotic situation, God is searching for those who will stop the collapse of the castles that have been built up in this land… I hope that Sae Eden Church, with its 30-year history, will be a glorious church that seeks God and rebuilds holiness in this land.”

Kim Chang-jun, former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, read aloud a letter from U.S. President Donald Trump, expressing “thanks to Sae Eden Church for its annual program over the past 12 years honoring Korean War veterans.”

Reporter Paek Sang-hyun (100sh@kmib.co.kr), Yongin, with Marion Kim (marionkkim@icloud.com)

Full Story in Korean:
민족과 사회 섬기는 사랑의 공동체… 새에덴교회 감사예배: 섬김·나눔으로 사회와 소통… 美 트럼프 대통령 축하 서한

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